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How to Get More LinkedIn Leads: An Organic Strategy That Works for the Marine Industry

In the vast ocean of LinkedIn’s professional network, standing out and catching the right currents can lead professionals to a treasure trove of organic leads. However it isn’t easy turning complete strangers into high-quality prospects. The best way to generate organic, quality leads on LinkedIn without being salesy is by doing it via your content.

Dive into Industry-Specific Polls

Polls are not just a tool for gauging opinions; they can attract the right kind of attention. Leverage industry-specific polls that address a pain point your customer has. You want to send that poll and a direct message to targeted prospects and ask them to participate in it by voting. This strategy is not just about gathering data; it’s about engaging with your audience in a meaningful way.

This could involve polling about the latest maritime regulations, technology advancements in vessel management, or sustainability practices in marine operations. The key is to look at your customer’s pain points and look at what problems they are trying to solve. A well-crafted poll can be the first step in a conversation leading to your solutions.

Navigate Through Roundup Posts

Roundup posts are like the lighthouses of LinkedIn content, guiding prospects to your profile. The strategy involves creating content that features insights from multiple experts or opinions on a trending topic within the industry. The first step when creating a roundup post is to identify five to 10 prospects that you want to reach out to. This not only positions you as a thought leader but also fosters a community of engaged professionals who are potential leads.

In the context of the marine industry, a roundup post could discuss the future of marine technology, featuring insights from various thought leaders and innovators. By doing so, you’re not only providing value but also building relationships with prospects who may see you as a go-to resource in the industry.

Charting a Course with Roundup Posts

The marine industry thrives on expertise and shared knowledge. Roundup posts are a powerful way to showcase this collective wisdom on LinkedIn. Make sure that they are subject matter experts. By featuring these experts in a post centered around a pertinent question, you not only highlight their knowledge but also align yourself with industry leaders. This approach is particularly effective in the marine sector, where expertise is highly valued and often sought after.

Imagine creating a post that asks, “What is the future of sustainable marine practices?” and gathering insights from various experts. This is a great way to break the ice and get them to know you a little bit better, and hopefully strike up a conversation around that topic that can then lead to you explaining about your products and solutions and how you can provide value to their company.

Navigating Thought Leadership Posts

In the vast sea of content, thought leadership posts are like the North Star, guiding prospects to recognize your expertise. Spend time to create a thought leadership post that reflects your own perspective on a particular topic. This could mean writing about the impact of technology on shipping logistics or the importance of ocean conservation.

Then you can send this post out to your prospects via LinkedIn Messenger. The approach is subtle yet effective: “Hey, [first name]. I loved your post on [topic]. I actually just posted something similar today with a different take on it, and I would love your thoughts.” This method is not about making a sale but about engaging in a meaningful dialogue that could lead to a deeper relationship and potential business opportunities.

Avoiding the Sirens of Salesy Content

The common pitfall of sending unsolicited content….. A lot of people think that it’s okay to send content without permission… and that rubs people the wrong way. In the marine industry, where relationships and trust are paramount, this approach can be especially damaging.

Strike up a conversation first. Then you can lead to that question and ask them if they would find that particular piece of content valuable. The content must be specific and focused on a topic that your prospect is exceptionally interested in—like a pain point or a strategic goal.

Steering Clear of LinkedIn’s Spam Filters

When navigating LinkedIn’s waters, it’s crucial to avoid the spam filter’s net. LinkedIn spam filters trigger after 250 actions are taken. To stay under the radar, send 50 messages a day or less. Marine professionals who often have a niche audience can’t afford to be marked as spam.

Building Your Crew of First-Degree Connections

The strength of your LinkedIn network is akin to the crew aboard a ship—the more skilled and connected they are, the further you’ll go. Leveraging content to generate leads on LinkedIn works best with your first-degree connections. Increasing these connections is crucial.

In the marine industry, where the currents of business are as complex as the sea itself, LinkedIn emerges as a powerful compass for navigating toward organic lead generation. By casting a wide net with industry-specific polls, shining a beacon with roundup posts, and charting a course with thought leadership content, marine professionals can sail toward meaningful connections and valuable leads without resorting to the hard sell.

Merrill Charette

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